Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ch. 1-3 Jekyll & Hyde

The Devil Cradles Heaven
The gentle soul is at rest
As the devil creeps on by
His resistance is put to the test
I wonder why

The devil cradles heaven

Fear was present
As clouds turn black

He didn’t know what heaven meant
The devil was coming back

The devil cradles heaven

The truth was painful to bare
Because the essence of evil was in the air
Jekyll dies away
As Hyde lives for another day

The devil cradles heaven

Heaven loses its meaning
As Jekyll falls to sleep
Evil is beaming

Jekyll’s soul he cannot keep

The devil cradles heaven

Quotes that inspired me...
"I only ask you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here."
"I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde."
"The large handsome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness."


  1. You have some great ideas included in here and some good rhythm and rhyming as well. However the entire piece could flow a little better. Other than that though great job.

  2. Oh, I didnt finish the final product until now. I just posted the final product of my poem right now, but thanks:)

  3. Nice poem, I liked how the devil cradled heaven, which is very ironic, but has a nice sense of how forces of evil is always more comforting than forces of good.

  4. This was a really interesting poem. I liked how you repeated the "devil cradled heaven," I never would of thought of that, so that was very creative. I wish though that you had an author's note because I want to know how you came to this concept. It is very unique and I would of liked to have known your thought process. But other than that this is a very nice poem and the stanzas have nice rhyming and rhythm within them, so nicely done!

  5. That was a good poem. I really liked the last lines about Jekyll. It was a nice ending. The rhyming was good, but some times the rhythm seemed a bit off. I also liked the repetition. Overall good job.

  6. Along with Nolan, I like the irony behind the devil cradling heaven. I personally had some trouble figuring out the meaning of the last stanza, and the flow seemed to bump around in some places. Other than that, nice work.

  7. I liked the transition from heaven into the devil's arms. I see how you incorporated how Hyde was taking control of the situation and because of this he's taking over the righteous side of things. Nice job writing this.
